What is Yoga?
Yoga is an entire system of practises designed to bring about complete Self Realisation. There are many ways in which we can apply yogic knowledge in order to attain this deep understanding of the Self. Some would say that everything is yoga. The great sage, Patanjali authored the Yoga Sutras which is the main text that yoga practitioners (yogi’s or yogini’s) refer to on the path of yoga. Patanjali set out eight limbs or steps in what he called Ashtanga Yoga, not to be confused with the type of yoga as practiced in the west. (Astanga Yoga in the west is commonly called Power Yoga and is a style of yoga that is highly structured into five asana or posture series. Asana translated means posture. The practitioner must master the first set of asanas before being allowed to move onto the next.) Ashtanga is a Sanskrit word made up of two words: Ashta and Anga. Ashta means eight while anga means limb. So Ashtanga is a term used to describe Patanjali’s eight limbs of yoga. They are:
Yama – Social discipline
Niyama – Self discipline
Asana – Postures (Hatha Yoga)
Pranayama – Breath control
Pratyahara – Sense withdrawal
Dharana – Concentration
Dhyana – Meditation
Samadhi – Bliss or enlightenment